Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Roberta & Bob's 50th Anniversary

There is something so inspiring about a 50th Wedding Anniversary. This past Saturday Roberta and Bob renewed their vows in front of their family and friends 50 years to the day at the same locations that they said "I do" as a young couple in 1960, seven children and a dozen grandchildren later. We started the morning by taking formal family photos in the Fireside Room at Seattle's Sorrento Hotel. This was the most important part of the day for Roberta, who said this photo will be hanging prominently in her living room from now on. The weather on Saturday was mild, so we also took a casual group photo on the rooftop deck of the hotel.

At Seattle University the family celebrated Mass, and Bob and Roberta renewed their vows at the Chapel of St. Ignatius, lead by Bob's brother Father David. Each of the grandkids brought an object that represented a memory of spending time with their grandparents.

Before the Mass, I borrowed the couple to take some quick portraits outside.

Back after lunch at the Sorrento, Roberta had a big surprise for everyone. She was going to make an appearance in her 50-year-old wedding dress. Roberta even cut slits in the arms so it would fit, and held it together the zipper in the back with duct tape. Hilarious!

Congratulations to Bob & Roberta for celebrating 50 years, and a lifetime of building an amazing family.


  1. These are awesome photos! You can tell they are still so in love, what an inspriring couple to keep in mind while planning the wedding this year. Nice work Heather and congrats Bob and Roberta!

  2. Awww! Heather, these photos made me tear up and I don't even know the couple! I love the picture of them sitting on the bench and kissing. So sweet! Happy 50th, Bob and Roberta!

  3. Heather, I am Roberta's Brother Jim Bourgette. I was the alterboy at their wedding, what a joy to see these moments of rememberence captured on film. Thank You PS I was 14 at the time, Do the math, HA HA! Thanks again the pictures are beautiful.
