On Saturday evening, Sarah and I travelled to Everett for SnoHomo Bingo. The semi-annual event raises money for two great Snohomish County organizations: APSC & GLOBE.
APSC – AIDS Project Snohomish County has provided several fundraising events within Snohomish county, such as the Snohomish County AIDS Walk, Dine In/Art Auction and Act Locally, Act Globally for AIDS. Although these avenues have helped with some fundraising goals, the APSC continues to seek additional support from donors as well as public awareness. APSC is a non-profit 501c3 organization with no paid staff and its Board of Directors is comprised of volunteers.
GLOBE – GLBTQ (gay, lesbian, bi, transgendered & questioning) Loving Ourselves, Becoming Empowered, an organization supporting GLBTQ youth who are 14 to 20 years of age. GLOBE empowers youth to make healthy decisions by enhancing their knowledge, self-esteem and pride. They have a weekly meeting that hosts guest speakers, fun events and opportunities for youth to share in a safe and welcoming place.
I set up a backdrop (Sarah did an awesome job decorating) and my lights and then took photos of everyone dressed up in their Halloween costumes.
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